Browse Items (69 total)

1969 correspondence and other documents relating to the radio series Seeds of Discontent and the non-profit organization of the same name.

Documents related to Hartford Smith Jr.'s life and career, with various drafts and versions of CVs, resumes, and other biographical profiles.

A photograph of a tape from the collection.

1969 articles of incorporation for the non-profit organization Seeds of Discontent.

1969 correspondence and proposals related to Seeds of Discontent, Inc., the non-profit organization formed after the successful completion of the radio series. The proposals outline topics for a documentary television series, and the folder also…

1967 to 1968 correspondence, script drafts, and other documents relating to the radio series Seeds of Discontent.

A report titled "A College Credit Plan for Public Servants and Employees of Service Oriented Private Firms" and a 1969 progress report for the Community Extension Centers Program.
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