Papers of Claude Binyon (1905-1978), a journalist and motion picture writer-director, chiefly relating to films he wrote for Paramount during the 1930’s and later for other studios. Scripts and drafts, notes, production information, music and lyrics, and clippings present in varying completeness relate to films such as The Bride Comes Home (Paramount, 1935), Holiday Inn (Paramount, 1942), I Met Him in Paris (Paramount, 1937), Incendiary Blond (Paramount, 1945), North to Alaska (20th Century-Fox, 1958), Pepe (Col., 1961), and Rally Round the Flag, Boys (20th Century-Fox, 1958). Smaller files contain material on unproduced motion pictures, scripts and agreements for five teleplays, and scripts and related material for four stage plays. Subject files contain correspondence, studio contracts, clippings, two early scrapbooks, and materials on Army-Navy Screen Magazine and the Screen Writers Guild.
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All Collection Details:
- Author: Binyon, Claude, 1905-1978.
- Title: Papers, 1932-1963.
- Size: 5.6 c.f. (14 archives boxes)
- Category: director, film, and manuscript collection
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