The images in these slideshows are drawn from the Center’s flat graphics collection. They speak to the richness and depth of the imagery in the Center’s collections.
This featured collection was prepared by Heather Heckman, 2008 Jarchow Fellow, who selected the images and wrote the commentary. Thanks to Stephen Jarchow, Maxine Ducey, Dorinda Hartmann, Andy Kraushaar, and Liz Ellcessor for their help with this project.
Foreign Correspondent UA 5.6 File
Design For Living Theater Title File
Gold Diggers of 1937 Pressbook
Rita Hayworth Personal Name File
Gary Cooper Personal Name File
Highlights from the Subject Files
“The Acting of Edwin Booth.” New York Times, 7 June 1893, 5.
“The Career of Edwin Booth.” New York Times, 7 June 1893, 4.
“Critics Compare Howard and Gielgud in ‘Hamlet.'” New York Times, 13 November 1936, 17.
Fahey, David, and Linda Rich. Masters of Starlight: Photographers in Hollywood. New York: Ballantine Books, 1988.
“‘Hamlet’ is Revived.” New York Times, 23 November 1918, 9.
“‘Hamlet’ Opens New Minneapolis Theater.” New York Times, 10 May 1963, D13.
“Hampden Acts Hamlet.” New York Times, 13 April 1918, 11.
“Hampden Again as Hamlet.” New York Times, 21 May 1919, 15.
“Hampden in Modern Plays.” New York Times, 17 June 1926, 21.
Inglis, Ian. “The Ed Sullivan Show and the (Censored) Sounds of the Sixties.” The Journal of Popular Culture 39 no. 4 (2006): 558-575.
McLean, Adrienne L. “‘I’m a Cansino’: Transformation, Ethnicity, and Authenticity in the Construction of Rita Hayworth, American Love Goddess.” Journal of Film and Video 44 nos. 3-4 (1992-1993): 8-26.
“The Play.” New York Times, 12 October 1925, 19.
Rosenberg, Bernard. “The Tragedy of Hamlet.” New York Times, 7 January 1923, XX6.
“Shakespeare Given at KHJ.” Los Angeles Times, 13 September 1926, A5.
Simon, Ron. “The Ed Sullivan Show.” The Museum of Broadcast Communications. 2008. 11
Related Links
Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology, Compiled by the Society of American Archivists