We depend on donations to keep up our operations, to support special projects like our Featured Collections pages, and to fund student research in the archives. If you care about keeping our media history heritage alive, your gift to support our collection, preservation, and access activities is a wonderful way to show it. Any size donation is appreciated.
Giving Options
If you wish to contribute online, you may do so by clicking this link to the University of Wisconsin Foundation.
If you would prefer to make a tax-deductible donation by standard mail, please print and fill out the gift form available from the UW Foundation. Please indicate the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research as the recipient of the donation. You can then mail your donation to the UW Foundation address provided on the form (also listed below for your convenience).
Thank you for your support!
University of Wisconsin Foundation
US Bank Lockbox
PO Box 78808
Milwaukee, WI 53278-8807
For more information on making a gift of securities or including the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research in your estate plans, please contact:
Marit Barkve
Director of Develpment
College of Letters & Science
University of Wisconsin Foundation