New Head Archivist, Amy Sloper

The Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research is pleased to announce the appointment of Amy Sloper to the position of the Head Film Archivist. As the WCFTR Film Archivist, Amy will oversee the Center’s …

Thank you, Maxine Ducey

After a brilliant 34 year career as the Head Film Archivist at the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research, Maxine Ducey is retiring effective January 2, 2014. With consummate skill and unwavering professionalism, Maxine …

Susan Dalton (1944-2013)

Everyone associated with the Center is saddened to learn of the recent death of Susan Dalton, former Film Archivist at WCFTR.  Susan was a leading national figure in the field of moving image archiving and …

Welcome to the New WCFTR Website!

The Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research website has been redesigned. Within the site, you will find both familiar content and some that is brand new. We invite you to explore what the center …